Two days ago I went to try Fuseta – just as an experiment, to see if fishing there is any different from Altura, Praia da Alagoa, which was very quiet last time I tried.
They pretty much said the same, low activity, no fish for weeks now, and they had 1 bite that day which they missed. Went back to my rods, waited, waited, waited…
Them my buddy got a bite and after a nice fight landed a seabass of around a kilo or so.
And then yesterday, I had a decent session right here on Praia da Alagoa. I went out in the morning with low tide to collect red worm and, naturally, brought my rods along😇. I did not even fish, I merely baited two rods with red sand worm, casted in and dug for worms. I would go back to check the rods every 20 -30 min. To my surprise, I pulled out a small seabream, and thought that is the one fish I will catch for the day. 20 minutes later, I got a doublet of seabream and a s triped seabream (ferrera).

After that I caught a spotted bass. And then I stopped digging and concentrated on fishing. I got 2 more seabream, a sargo and even a mullet!
Let's just hope this marks beginning of a fishing period... it could also be a fluke on account of rain... we will know soon enough😇