Two days ago I had a very challenging session. I started around 16 and carried on until midnight! I was sooooo persistent (read stupid) to stay long time... there is fish in the surf, and a lot of them, only they are not easy to catch. First bite and fish came only after the Sun had set. I got my first seabream of the year on red worm - tiny little thing, but so lovely…
After the mini seabream, I could not get a bite until the water went completely down. With receding tide I got 2 – 3 nibbles and that is all. Only around 21:00, with water very low already, I started getting regular bites - mostly mucharra ticks, but I also also 3 spotted bass. It was a very active period for I constantly had to rebait and recast, and with three rods it turned into hard physical labour! Around 23 I started cleaning the fish, and while I was doing it, a very big sargo swallowed the hook and caught itself... of course, after dark I was fishing exclusively with squid...
Yesterday, I went to the beach late – there was no use being there at daytime. Quite close to the shore, some 10m out, I got a spotted bass on red worm and small hooks – I was aiming at small sargo or something similar to pass the time, but there you have it… After it got dark, the water started receding, but unlike the previous night, there was an onslaught of mucharra – they were everywhere and would eat everything in minutes. I baited one rod with mucharra filet, just to cut down on the work and carried on with 2 rods using squid. I got another spotted bass again quite close to the shore, and loads, and loads of bites – some quite aggressive… Around 21:00 I packed it up and departed – I was too tired from the night before, plus all these mucharra did not inspire me with confidence.