After somewhat turbulent New Year’s night, I went down to the beach with my family. It was more of a family beach day than a serious fishing session, still, it is not possible for me to go to any body of water and not have at least 1 rod😊. And besides, it is a sort of tradition for me to fish on January first, just to kick off the year!
The weather was simply brilliant! Low wind, lots of Sunshine… But the ocean was much rougher than expected for these conditions, and as we were approaching, I immediately regrated bringing only clams as bait – as I said, not a serious fishing session, plus I expected calm ocean so I did not bother with anything else, even though I had squid and bibi in the fridge… Oh, well…
I had 2 rods out with clam and it was receding tide.
Quite a few of our friends were out as well and there was a lot of laughing an talking…
The line on one of the rods went slack, I did not even see the bait, and I reeled in my first fish of the year 2022!! Happy New Year everyone!!!

After everyone had left, in the first hour of dark, I caught another 4 spotted bass, and bigger – but this one got the photo moment😊. Anyhow, it appears there is not quite a few spotted bass in the surf, and I will do a serious session soon…