Zero streak continues… it has been good 10 days since the ocean at Praia da Alagoa is empty… well, not empty per say, but it yields no catch whatsoever! This morning the heigh tide was at dawn, but I overslept and went there around 7. The wind was North and in the mid-range, around 10 to 12 knots, but it was quite, quite cold for this time of year.
When I got to the beach the water had started receding, and as I was setting up my spin rod, I saw a friend of mine already getting ready to go. Sure enough, I went over and spoke to him – he had been there since before the dawn, and did not get a single touch in more than an hour – he was getting cold and was about to leave. Eventually we both stayed for about an hour more – he did not fish, he merely observed and we talked a bit… Around 7:30 we saw a delphine not 150m from the beach, it went by quite close! At one point it was clearly hunting for something, swimming in circles before moving off towards Vila Real de Santo Antonio.
And just before we gave up, I got a strike on my kastmaster 21gr. I immediately knew it was not a bass by the way it swam… About a minute later there comes a weever up on the shore – luckily as it hit the sand it threw the hook, so I did not need to handle it, and I just shoved it back into the ocean with the butt of my rod… For the rest – NADA!