Another early morning - woke up at 5, had my tea and headed down to the Praia da Alagoa. When I got there, the ocean was flat as a pancake, no wind and cloudy sky. My friend was already there castung Raglou, and he did not have anything in the bag. Seemed like a bad sign.
I started immediately with BayRuf 7cm, and after several casts I got a small spotted bass. They were obviously around. I persisted on the sane spot, and for a while it was calm... then a school of bass moved into the surf, and for about 20-30 minutes it was paradise on earth! Every cast was a hook up or a near miss. In short time I got 17 spotted bass and a needlefish. They were coming into the syrf 2 m in front of me abd grabbing the lure from the breaking weave in 20cm of water. It was so excuting and enjoyable. They put up quite a fight when hooked, splashing on the surface, typical bass behaviour...
My friend did not have any luck on the Raglou. Very strange... the only fish he got was after the frenzy was over, and we were both going up and down the beach trying to find them again...
Suffice it to say, I can not wait for tomorrow😀
Posted by Milko
at 8:36 AM EDT